Canal+ était à Québec pour faire un reportage sur Pegas Productions pour la très populaire émission mensuelle “Le Journal du Hard” pour les 20 ans de celle-ci. Ils ont assisté à un tournage de notre concept “18 ans et toutes mes dents” où on voit All In se tapper deux étudiantes, des “Carrés Rouges” venues baiser pour payer la hausse des frais de scolarité. Tant qu’à se faire fourrer, autant avoir du fun 😉
L’émission traitera de Pegas Productions mais aussi de Vandal Vyxen, de Samantha Ardente et Derek Tyler et du monde de la porno au Québec.
Lors de nos entrevues, le Rédacteur en chef Olivier Ghis et son équipe ont bien aimé le Québec et notre vision de la porno.
À Voir en Juin sur Canal+
Richard Therrien du journal Le Soleil propose ses émission préférées à visionner cette semaine. Parmi ses choix, 21 jours, sur les ondes de TV5, mettant en vedette Pegas Productions.
En voici un extrait :
21 jours, TV5 à 21h
Eza Paventi s’imprègne du monde de la porno chez l’un de ses plus gros joueurs, Pegas Productions.
Souce : Le Soleil
Le journal Toronto Sun parle de notre cours d’acteur Porno “Pegas 101”
En voici un extrait:
QUEBEC CITY — A Quebec-based adult film production company that was having trouble recruiting male actors has opened an academy for budding porn stars.
Pegas Productions is offering the intensive one-day training course for $149. Nicola Lafleur, a producer at Pegas, told QMI Agency that of 50 men who applied to take the course, only nine were admitted.
“In their application they had to submit a picture of them with an erection,” she said.
The workshop starts with a morning session on the ins and outs of the business.
“Our goal,” says Lafleur, “is to give them information that will allow them to know what it’s really like to be a porn star. How much it pays, how often you work, how your health can be affected. We have to dispel all the myths.”
Source et article Complet: Toronto Sun
Le journal Huffington Post parle de notre cours d’acteur Porno “Pegas 101·”
En voici un extrait:
For the low, low price of $149 you too can learn how to be a porn star. And you might even get a job too.
Quebec porn studio Pegas Productions is offering classes for male stars, according to Le Journal de Québec.
Producer Nicola Lafleur told the newspaper that the company started the school because it has had a hard time finding good actors for its movies. The class is an opportunity for the studio to find stars who can endure the rigours of performing for the cameras.
But if you’re thinking of signing up in hopes of getting some action, stop right there. The class consists of both a theoretical and practical section, but the latter is performed with underwear on. Basically, the students simulate challenging positions.Lafleur told VICE the company received 50 applications for its first class and accepted 10. Four of the students were taken on to shoot actual porn.
What do you need to get into the class? Send an application to the company (NSFW link) and include a nude photo.
Lafleur told VICE they’re looking for larger than average penises (SHOCKER), but nothing too big.
“The problem with a huge penis is that it can be tough to stay hard. So let’s say we need to film for an hour, a person with a large penis can have a lot of difficulty with that,” he said.
Source et Article complet: Huffington Post